• The Solution
    is with G-E-G
    We are the 1st in history and 2nd to none
    we are simply unique, we are insurmountable!
  • Black Race
    Must Be Great
    Let's Rock
    Into this
  • G-E-G is Our
    Only Hope
    To Be Part of This Great

Who we are

The Black Youths Innovation Entrepreneurs a.k.a G-E-G Innovations, operating under the auspices of Graduate Entrepreneurship and Youth Empowerment Initiative is a uniquely designed constitutional-driven youth-led body, an economic revolutionary empowered initiative to harness, nurture and explore nuclear resources that are locked up in African youths for outstanding economy posterity will justify. As a group of Young Black Radicals and Methodical Luminaries consciously cooperating with explicit purpose and written values, G-E-G is a multinational conglomerate empowered to deliver Africa from abysmal economic dungeons and political woes through consolidated innovation entrepreneurship adventuring.


  • Our Vision

    ...To emerge the greatest and fastest growing non-governmental organization in the world, erecting Economic Beams to support African nations from total collapse.
  • Our Mission

    ...Empowering African Nations and communities to be economically independent of their hosts by calling on all citizens and innovation-driven patrons from all walks of life to join hands with us in building a strong and mighty tower void of corruption, a monument to our greatness for the generations unborn where unemployment, poverty, hunger and mass starvation among the people will be things of the past.
  • Our Strategy

    ...Raising thorough-braid citizens and political entrepreneurs who are radically motivated and intellectually ruggedized in all ramifications, ready to face today’s challenges.

    ...Influencing the general public, all concerned citizens and innovation-driven patrons from all walks of life to sacrificially support the wiles of Black Youths in our entrepreneurship choice and journey through what we dub ‘Voluntary Economic Rent’ – V.E.R Exercise and thereby...

    ...Creating an atmosphere of psychologically awe-inspired competition between the Paycheque (the civil servants) and the Innovation Entrepreneur (the Black Youths), towards a common economic development goal of our respective African countries.

The Problem

Analyzing The Problem of Africa: The problem of Africa is highly integrated, and interwoven at the same time! This gloom has segued through myriads of protracted epidemics such as inter-ethnic problem, inter-religious problem, social security problem, economic problem, the problem o...all these cumulate to the political problems we are facing today. All Africa we seem to have lost our way long ago wallowing through the deepest dark. The Black Man is roaming the world like a tortoise without a shell. He has no backbone, zero identi...

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Ponder Point

Lamentation of the Author! Ponder: What catastrophe could have religious bigotry and sentimental recollections been done in this place? What do you think would be the index of crime in this society if the elderly-led Nigerian government - brutes continue to be in power? Going by the trends, what would be the rate of underdevelopment 100 years from here if Jesus tarries to come? How long do you think this political and religious dramatization will last?

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The Solution

We are poised and strategically positioned to meet the dynamic challenges of our age by providing innovative and reliable economic solutions to our great nation and to the African world!" While the Greeks came up with the first theory for the origin ...

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What People Say About Us

"This is an unprecedented, compelling innovation strategy! I'm intrigued by the idea of a non-governmental organization run by Youth that aims to liberate the economy. I think it could be a powerful force for the change we all desire. And I warn: those who have risen above the waters of their gloom to bloom, who now carry a different mental identity must never be misconstrued"

Professor Pat Utomi:

"Life is all about rolling forth with faith. And if I must paraphrase Plato, I would say, 'Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. Please listen to G-E-G Innovations and never doubt that small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.' Kudos to the Vision Bearer"

Tony Elumelu:

"All that I see is a construction of the wall of Africa from its foundation, as a continental recovery among God’s elect for His testimony and for the accomplishment of our economy. G-E-G is an auxiliary economic backup system to support African nations from total collapse. Gentlemen, we have finally come to the end of discussion and with this, Africa becomes the toast of nations - we are in trouble for good"

Dr. Linus Obinna:

"I see a great force coming which no foe can withstand; I see in G-E-G Innovations a reborn of hope for Africa. Startups can be very risky, but they also have the potential to be very successful; no doubts every wonderful accomplishment, big or small, has its stages of drudgery and triumph. Gentlemen, I vehemently believe here are testaments of monumental realities posterity would justify"

Professor P.L.O Lumumba:

Our Advocates of The Month

Catholic Church

Ariaria International

Allen Avenue

Covenant University

Atiku Abubakar



Want to join G-E-G Innovations?

Are you hungry for Africa development?
Then take a Free Eligibility Evaluation

  • Step 1: Are you literate? That's, can you read & write?
  • Step 2: Mental Fitness Evaluation. Are you mentally stable, no psychiatric history?
  • Step 3: Intelligence Quotient (I.Q) evaluation. Can you think wide and reason fast enough?
  • Step 4: Academic/Talent Qualification. Are you a graduate or a talented youth? Then you are qualified.
  • Step 5: Get a scratch card & enrol now! Print out your ref.code for deployment to the Wonder-Ground.